Displaying lots little hampers, lightings, stage, buffet and AV system, all ready to rock and roll for our Lunar 7th Month Celebration for the residents of SilraHome.
Lots of prizes for the residents to bid and also lots of performance to be entertainned by the volunteers.
Yes, I was ready. Waiting patiently for my turn to come, which happened to be the last performer. When my name was called, I walked up to the stage and started to shake my boo-boo. O-yeah! Strip them all to the last piece. The audiances loved it and I like it! Ha! Everything went smoothly except my limps were almost giving away. After the dance, I almost couldnt walk. Went up to the meeting room with aiai and I dropped dead on the chair for some cool aircon. Mine.. what a dance.
The 70s Dance
Aiai and Me (The Alex To)
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