Thursday, November 15

SGR Silra Home Donation Drive

This coming Saturday - 24th Novemeber 2007, we are going to do a very unique charity drive for our Silra Home. We will be inviting one of the youngest car club in Singapore (berely 2months old) - Singapore Girl Racer to Silra Home together with the joygathering group to share the volunteer work. This SGR car club not only host a members of F&F (fast & furious) and they are all ladies! Yes, you bet, they are all females with one mind in common, they are all passion about cars!

They will be preparing a buffet feast for the Silra residents as well as contributing a fund as a donation to the home. Most of the SGR members will be doing their first time voluntary work and they need us to guide them.

So, please join us, 24/11, 2pm together with the pretty ladies from SGR and make it a special day for the old folks.

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