Thursday, January 10

I had a dream

I had a dream a couple of nights back. I seldom dream and I always sleep like a pig. Thats what my aiai always tells me.

Anyway, I would want to share this weird but kinda funny dream with you. It was about my dear friend, Chewschews (see the man on the right).

The dream goes like this...
One of our common friends, XXX, was driving his Audi coupe. Chews was sitting at the front passenger seat and while I was at the back.We came to this very dark street where along the road side, parked with a line of cars. It was quite impossible for the size of his car to go through that narrow street and Chews told XXX that it was impossible. But being the show-off type, he said he could make it to the end of the street. By saying that, he rev his engine and off he goes. He went through the first few ones without any problem but somewhere in the middle, a loud scratching sound from both sides of his car could be heard. Indeed, he couldnt get it though. His car was stucked in the middle by 2 cars parked right side by side and he was sandwiched.He stepped on the gas and some tyre squcky sound could be heard, and finally, his car broke off the barrier and flew across to the next street. I look back and seeing those 2 cars were very badly damaged.

XXX happily drove off the sence and dropped us somewhere ahead. Both of us were shocked. In just a short while, 2 policemen came and handcuffed Chews and took him away. They left me untouched. Chews was been hold up by those big sized policemen and from far, and he looked so helpess. I was thinking, what the hell. It was XXX who did the stunt and our poor chewschews was so innocent. I stand there for motionless for a minute and decided to do the 'chews rescue'. I ran up to the guys, distance was far, and shouted, release him, release him but the image soon was gone in sight. I was sad, I cried. Then I woke up by my 7am alarm clock.

End of dream....

I told the story to Chews and he said I was drama worr... What the ***

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