Sunday, September 14

Southern Ridges Sunday Walk

Its a group formed by Vagsg / Whitford / Joygathering but spearheaded by CK, our friend but blur tour leader. *LOL* About 20 of us gathered at McDonald's Habourfront and we set of around 830am to the Mt Faber. Those killer steps up Mt Faber already killing me softly and we had people like Aaron, VeronHo who can jumped up the stairs like their muscles were made from KW coilcovers! Hahaha..

We set of together but once we reach the first rest top at the top of Mt Faber, our group split into 2 groups - Convoy A (with high power turbos) and Convoy B (NA cars which takes alot of CC but no power). ;-)

No prize for guessing which group I was in but anyway, I was so into taking pictures using my new prime lens and teaching HUGGS & our new Indian friend on how to take pictures using "M". In the end, we became the Lost Group!

The Henderson Waves was so beautifully structured. We spent quite some time enjoying the senary and finally we arrived at Hort Park, a garden filled with beautiful flowers with green house effect.

A total of 9km (or maybe longer which the ache in my legs can tell) walk, really take a great workout for the day. We all had a great fun day. Thanks to the organizer and thanks to those friends who had came to join in the fun! Good on ya!

The Group Picture of Convoy 2

Someone said I damn handsome worr.... *pui*

Pictures taken by HUGGS

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